Friday, April 8, 2016

Veggie Fried Rice

Many people have asked me for my fried rice recipe so I thought it was time I added it to my blog.  I make it with coconut oil; giving it a unique and delicious flavor.  My husband, who is Chinese, tells me it is one of the best fried rice he has ever had.  I have made it for his parents as well and they could not get enough of it!   Needless to say it is made very often in our home.  Be sure to follow the instructions on adding the eggs as this is also something that is done to add uniqueness to the overall flavor of the rice.


3 C. Cooked Rice
2 - 3 Tbsp. Coconut Oil (enough to coat bottom of pan)
3 Green onions, chopped
Small bag of frozen mixed veggies (no need to thaw)
4 Eggs
Soy Sauce

1.  Using medium high heat add coconut oil to your frying pan. 
2.  Fry green onions in oil for about 1 minute. 
3.  Add rice.  Fry rice with onions for a few minutes or until rice breaks up (no longer clumpy) and is coated with the oil. 
4.  Add the frozen veggies.  Fry for approximately 3 minutes, being sure to mix it with the rice.
5.  Create a "well" in your rice and add one egg. Break the yoke of the egg and then mix in with the rice before the egg begins to cook.  Allowing the egg to coat the rice.  Repeat with the remaining eggs one at a time. 
6.  Add soy sauce, tasting as you go until you get to a saltiness that you like, mixing it in with the rice after each addition of the sauce.  I start out using around 3 - 4 Tbsp. of soy sauce and then tasting.  If it needs more I add a little more from the bottle, mix it in and taste again.  (If you feel you have gone overboard with the soy sauce there is hope!  Just add more eggs and continue to taste until you get the "saltiness" just right).
7. Enjoy!

*****Note: If you have meat lovers in your family this recipe is easily adaptable.  Just add your choice of cooked meat at the same time as the veggies.  Some excellent choices to give it a little extra flavor is bacon (my kid's favorite) or chicken.  Or if you want to add more protein as a vegetarian fry some tofu before beginning and then add the fried tofu with the veggies (I do this quite often).  You can substitute Coconut oil with olive oil but it will lose the unique flavor.  You could also use regular onions or dried chives in place of the green onions...but again it will not be as flavorful and delicious.  Fried rice is meant to be a "leftovers" dish so don't be afraid to through in your leftover veggies instead of using the frozen veggies.  I do this all the time with our leftover peas or even broccoli.  Leftover rice is the best to use for fried rice and is the traditional method.  However, if you don't have leftover rice fresh out of the rice cooker is just as good.

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